October 2004
Time: 3 Hours Marks:100
N.B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.
a) Discuss the changes in sectoral shares in GDP and secoral contribution to employment since planning. (10)
b) Examine the measures taken by the government to reduce poverty in India. (10)
a) What is ‘Human Development’ and what is its importance? (10)
b) Analyse to what extent governmental measures to improve human development through health and family welfare have succeeded. (10)
a) Explain the meaning of ‘food security’ and point out its importance. (10)
b) Identify the problems related to food security in India. (10)
a) What are the problems faced by small scale industries in India? (10)
b) Is disinvestment a soultion to the problems of public sector in India? (10)
Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Financing pattern of Ninth Five Year plan.
(b) Employment Generation Programmes during Nineties.
(c) Agricultural Research.
(d) New Industrial Policy of 1991 with respect to public sector and foreign investment.
a) Explain the features of Indian money market. (10)
b) Discuss the major changes in monetary management in India in the post reform period. (10)
a) Critically evaluate the Indian tax structure. (10)
b) Enumerate the sources of India’s public debt and analyse its growth in the nineties. (10)
a) Examine the changes in the composition of India’s exports and highlight the steps taken by the government to promote exports. (12)
b) Discuss the benefits and cost of foreign direct investment (FDI) in India. (5)
a) Appraise the performance of infrastructure in India since 1980s. (5)
b) Bring out the problems of power sector and the measures taken by the government to solve it. (15)
Write notes on any two of the following:¬ (20)
a) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill 2000
b) Need to control public expenditure in India
c) Composition and direction of India’s foreign trade
d) Importance of WTO Agreements to India
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