March 2003
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.
a) Explain the structural changes in the Indian economy over the period of planning.(10)
b) Critically examine the recent measures taken by the government to reduce the incidence of Poverty in India. (10)
a) Describe the structure of employment in India, bringing out the sectorwise distribution of employment. (10)
b) State the measures adopted by government to promote Human Development in India through Health and Family Welfare. (10)
a) Explain the nature of constraints in Indian agriculture with reference to Land Reforms. (10)
b) Examine critically the Agricultural Price Policy of the Government of India. (10)
Analysis the nature of growth and diversification of Indian industrial sector in the pre-reform and post-reform period. (20)
Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Population Policy of Government of India
b) Growth rate of Labour Force in India
c) Food Security in India
d) New Industrial Policy, 1991
a) Explain the factors contributing to the growth and development of Capital Market in India. (10)
b) Outline the important reforms that have taken place in the Indian Capital Market.(10)
a) Examine the drawbacks of the Indian tax structure. (10)
b) Enumerate the various tax reforms adopted in India from 1991 onwards. (10)
a) Explain the role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian economic development.(8)
b) Give an account of the government's policy towards Foreign Direct Investment in India since 1991. (12)
a) Bring out the significance of infrastructure development in the promotion of economic growth in India. (10)
b) Examine the impact of World Trade Organisation Agreements on the Indian economy.(10)
Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Narasimham Committee Report on Banking Sector Reforms
b) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill 2000
c) Indian Balance of Payments Position since, 1991
d) Role of Government in Post-Reform Period.
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