Sunday, February 22, 2009

March 2004

Business Economics
March 2004

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

N.B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Examine the changes in the sectoral composition of India's national income over the last five decades. (10)
b) Describe the nature and extent of the incidence of poverty in India. (10)

a) Examine the trend and the features of growth in labour force participation in India in the nineties. (10)
b) Suggest measures to increase employment. (10)

a) Discuss the changes in the composition of agricultural output since 1960-61. (10)
b) What are the causes of low agricultural productivity in India? (10)

a) Examine the changes introduced in the New Industrial Policy of 1991 with respect to industrial licensing and foreign investment. (10)
b) Discuss the objectives of disinvestment policy of the Government of India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Causes of income inequalities in India.
b) Human development through-health and family welfare.
c) Problems of agricultural marketing in India.
d) 1991 and 2000 policy package for small scale sector.


How far has nationalisation of commercial banks in India achieved its objectives?(20)

a) Describe the composition and growth of public expenditure of the Central Government. (10)
b) Critically evaluate the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill - 2000.(10)

a) Examine the changes in the current account and capital account balance of India's Balance of Payments since nineties. (10)
b) What are the role and limitations of Multi-National Corporations? (10)

a) What is meant by the term 'infrastructure'? Describe the need for the development of infrastructure. (10)
b) Explain the changing role of States in India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Functions of SEBI.
b) Indian tax structure.
c) Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
d) TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS of the WTO

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