October 1998
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100
a)Discuss the trends in the growth rate of national income in Indian during the last
four decades. (8)
b)Explain the changes in the sectoral contribution to India’s National Income during
the plan period. (8)
a)Explain the institutional framework of a mixed economy like India. (8)
b)Make a critical appraisal of the Eighth Five year Plan. (8)
a)Discuss the important demographic features of India. (8)
b)Bring out the features and limitations of India’s population policy. (8)
a)Explain the various defects of agricultural marketing in India. (8)
b)What measures have been adopted by the government to improve the agricultural
marketing? (8)
Explain the following : (8)
a)Achievements and Failures of the New Agricultural Strategy. (8)
b)Institutionalization of Agricultural Credit. (8)
Write notes on any two : (18)
a) Measures to reduce income inequalities in India.
b) Resource mobilisation during the plan period
c) Government measures to reduce unemployment in India
d) Land reform measures.
a)What are the problems faced by Small Scale and Cottage Industries in India? (8)
b)Describe the various measures undertaken by the Government to promote their
development. (8)
a)Explain the role of public sector in the Indian Economy. (8)
b)Evaluate the performance of Public Sector Enterprises in India. (8)
a)Describe the developmental functions of R.B.I. (8)
b)Bring out the important changes in the Monetary Policy of the R.B.I. during the
last decade. (8)
a)Discuss the principle objective of Fiscal policy in India. (8)
b)Explain the consequences of deficit financing in a developing economy like India.(8)
a)Explain the importance of Foreign Aid in India’s economic development. (8)
b)Examine the Government policy towards Foreign Capital. (8)
Write notes on any two : (18)
a) Industrial Policy of 1991
b) Growth Market in India.
c) Tax Reform measures recommended by the Chelliah Committee.
d) Main features of India’s New Trade Policy.
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