April 1998
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100
Q. 1.
a)Explain the causes of income inequalities in India. (8)
b)What measures have been taken by the government to reduce such inequalities? (8)
Q. 2.
a)Explain the various factors that determine the process of economic development in
India. (8)
b)"The pattern of investment in India's Eight Five Year Plan has undergone changes".
Comment. (8)
Q. 3.
a)"Population growth retards economic development". Discuss. (8)
b) Evaluate the measures taken by the government to control the population explosion
in India.
Q. 4.
a) Discuss the nature and extent of unemployment problem in India. (8)
b) Examine the various measures adopted to reduce unemployment. (8)
Q. 5.
a) Explain the achievements and failure of Green Revolution in India. (8)
b) Explain the role of NABARD in the field of agricultural finance. (8)
Q. 6.
Write notes on any two: (18)
a) Causes of slow growth rate of savings in India.
b) Human capital formation.
c) Objectives of land reforms.
d) Changes in occupational structure in India since 1951.
Q. 7.
a) Describe the important changes in the industrial structure of India during the
plan period. (8)
b) Critically examine the new industrial policy of 1991. (8)
Q. 8.
Explain the following:
a) Role of Co-operative banking in India. (8)
b) Deficiencies in the Indian money market. (8)
Q. 9.
a) Examine the trends in the growth of public expenditure during the last two
decades. (8)
b) Evaluate the tax structure in India. (8)
Explain the changes in the composition and direction of India's foreign trade during the plan period. (16)
a) Explain the need for foreign capital in a developing country like India. (8)
b) Describe the government policy towards private foreign investment in India. (8)
Write notes on any two: (18)
a) Role of Indirect taxation in the Indian Economy.
b) Measures adopted by the government of India for promoting Small-scale Industries
in India.
c) Fiscal Imbalance in India.
d) Structure of Banking in India.
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