Friday, February 20, 2009

April 1999

Indian Economic Problems
April 1999

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100


a) Examine the structural changes that have place in the Indian economy during the plannig period.(8)
b) Discuses the measures taken by Government to reduce income inequalities in India.(8)

a) Describe the basic objectives of economic planning in India.(8)
b) Analyse the various sources of financing the Indian five year plans.(8)

a)Examine the features and achievements of Human resource development programmes adopted by the Government of India.(16)

a) Examine the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy.(8)
b) Explain the functions and performance of NABARD.(8)

a) Evaluate the importance of stabilizing agricultural prices.(6)
b) Critically examine the agricultural price policy of the Government of India during the planning period.(10)

Write notes on any two:(18)
a) Causes of the high birth rate in India.
b) Causes of unemployment in India.
c) Regulated markets.
d) Causes and trends in poverty in India.


a) Critically examine the role and performance of IDBI.(8)
b) Describe the shortcomings of the public sector in India.(8)

a) Discuss the role and growth of capital market in India.(8)
b) Explain the causes on industrial sickness in India.(8)

a) Explain the characteristics of Indian money market.(8)
b) Discuss the main recommendations of Narsimham Committee.(8)

a) Critically examine the causes of the rise in public expenditure in India during the planning period.(8)
b) Examine the various measures adopted by Government of India to control inflation.(8)

Critically examine the trade liberalisation policy adopted by the Government of India in the eighties. Discuss the trade policy changes announced in early nineties.(16)

Write notes on any two:(18)
a) Measures adopted by Government to overcome the problems of small-scale Industries.
b) Direction of Indian's foreign trade.
c) Fiscal imbalance in India.
d) Importance of foreign aid in India's economic development.

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