March 2002
Time: 3 Hours Marks: 100
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.
a) What are the structural changes that have taken place in the Indian economy since 1951? (8)
b) Explain the causes of slow growth rate of national income in India. (8)
a) Analyze the pattern of investment under five year plans in India (8)
b) Discuss the achievements and failures of economic planning in India. (8)
Examine the effects of high growth rate of population on Indian economic development and comment on the implementation of Family Welfare(Planning)Program in India. (16)
a) Discuss the achievements and failures of ‘Green revolution’ in India. (8)
b) Critically evaluate the land reform measures in India. (8)
a) Examine the role of institutional and non-institutional sources of agricultural finance in India. (8)
b) Explain the government measures to stabilize agricultural prices in India. (8)
Write notes on any two :¬ (18)
a) Resource mobilization under 5 year plan.
b) Human resource development in India.
c) Poverty Alleviation program.
d) Role and performance of NABARD.
Examine the important changes in the industrial growth and structure in India during the period of planning. (16)
a) Critically examine the new industrial policy of 1991. (8)
b) Trace the role of private sector in the Indian economy. (8)
a) Explain the role played by commercial banks in Indian economic employment. (8)
b) Examine the recommendations of Narsimham committee on financial sector reforms.(8)
a) What are the reasons for the growth of public expenditure in India in recent years? (8)
b) Explain the causes of Inflation in India. (8)
a) Describe the main features of India’s trade policy with particular reference to 1991 Trade policy. (8)
b) Explain the need for foreign capital in a developing country like India. (8)
Write notes on any two :¬ (18)
a) Role of cotton and small scale industries in India.
b) Money marketing in India.
c) Role of indirect taxes in India.
d) Problems of foreign aid.
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