Sunday, February 22, 2009

October 2003

Business Economics
October 2003

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Analyse the nature of changes in the sectoral distribution of National Income in India over the period of planning. (10)
b) Examine the development strategy of the Ninth Five Year Plan. (10)

What do you understand by 'Human Development'? Examine the government policy with respect to Human resource Development in India. (10)

a) Examine briefly the institutional sources of agricultural finance in India. (10)
b) Critically evaluate the Food Security policy of Government of India. (10)

a) State the features of New Industrial Policy 1991 and give a critical evaluation of the policy. (10)
b) Explain the objectives of Disinvestment Policy of the Government of India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Causes of inequalities of income in India.
b) Work force participation rate in India.
c) Problems of agricultural marketing in India.
d) Post-reforms small scale industries policy.


a) State the drawbacks of Indian money market. (20)
b) Explain the recent reforms introduced by the government in the money market in India.

a) Discuss the important features of Indian Tax Structure. (10)
b) Describe the Composition of Public expenditure in India. (10)

a) Examine the structural changes in the composition and direction of India's foreign trade since 1991. (10)
b) Outline the trade liberalisation policy of the government in the post reforms period. (10)

a) Discuss the pattern of resource mobilisation in India Five Year Plans. (10)
b) Examine the development of Rail and Road transport in India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Monetary management by Reserve Bank of India.
b) Chelliah Committee Report on Tax Reforms.
c) India's external debt burden.
d) World Trade Organisation and Indian Economy.

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