Monday, February 23, 2009

October 2008

October 2008

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

1. Attempt Five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
2. Figures to the right indicte full marks.
3. Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.

Section I

a) How is economic growth different from economic development? Explain the trend in National Income growth in India during the planning period. (10)
b) Explain the success and failure of Government measures in promoting human development through education and health. (10)

a) Has agriculture contributed adequately to the economic growth of the country? Support your answer with facts and figures. (10)
b) Explain the positive and negative impacts of WTO agreements on Indian agriculture. (10)

a) Explain the role of Small Scale Industries in the economic development of India.(10)
b) Critically examine the New Industrial Policy, 1991. (10)

a) Explain the concept and nature of unemployment in India. (10)
b) Discuss the impact of Globalisation on the current employment situation in the country. (10)

Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Changes in Sectoral Composition of National Income.
b) National Agricultural Policy, 2000.
c) Issues Related to Disinvestment in India.
d) Problem of Child Labour in India.

Section II

a) Explain and illustrate the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage. (10)
b) Explain in detail the various types of Public Expenditure. (10)

a) Explain merits of Direct taxes and demerits of ndirect taxes. (10)
b) Describe the various concepts of deficit in the Union Budget. Give suitable examples. (10)

Critically examine the Classical Theory of International Trade. (10)

a) Explain the monetary and non-monetary methods of correcting disequilibrium in Balance of Payments. (10)
b) Examine the Balance of Payments position of India under the New Economic Policy.(10)

Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Components of Union Budget
b) Growth of Public Expenditure in India.
c) Factor Price Equalisation.

April 2008

April 2008
(Revised Course)

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

1. Attempt Five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
2. Figures to the right indicte full marks.
3. Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.

Section I

Analyse the growth performance of the Indian economy with respect to indicators such as National Income and Per Capita Income since Independence. (20)

a) Discuss the concept of food security in India. Explain the government measures to tackle it. (10)
b) Explain the features of National Agricultural Policy, 2000. (10)

a) Discuss the main features of Industrial Policy, 1991. (10)
b) Examine the significance and problems of the service sector. Can service led growth in India be sustainable ? (10)

a) Describe the existing occupational structure in India. (10)
b) Discuss the consequences of child labour in India. Suggest measures to eradicate it. (10)

Write explanatory notes on any two of the following : (20)
a) Importance of social sector รข€“ education and health in sustaining economic growth.
b) Effects of WTO agreements on Indian Agriculture.
c) Problems of Small Scale Industries in India.
d) Peculiarities of Indian Labour Market.

Section II

'Social Advantage is maximum when Marginal Social Benefit equals Marginal Social Sacrifice.' Examine critically. (10)

a) Discuss the relative importance of direct taxes and indirect taxes in a developing economy like India. (10)
b) Explain the classification of Public Expenditure in India. Is all Public Expenditure good for an economy ? Give reasons. (10)

a) Explain how differences in factor endowments determine the course of international trade. (10)
b) How does it mark an advance over the Theory of Comparative Cost ? (10)

a) Discuss the causes and types of disequilibrium in Balance of Payments. (10)
b) Explain the methods of correction of disequilibrium in Balance of Payments. (10)

Write explanatory notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Types of Public Debt
b) Causes of growth of Public Expenditure in India
c) Structure of Balance of Payments in India
d) TRIPS and GATS.

October 2007

October 2007

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

1. Answer any five questions, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
2. Figures to the right indicte full marks.
3. Answers to both the sections should be written in the same answerbook.

Section I

a) Examine the trends in the growth of national income of India. (10)
b) Explain the measures taken by the government to promote education for human development. (10)

a) What are the essential features of the Agreement on Agriculture under WTO? (10)
b) Examine on food security system in India. (10)

What are the problems faced by small-scale industries in India? Explain the measures taken by the government since 1991 for the development of the small-scale sector. (20)

a) Discuss the measures taken by the government to promote employment in India. (10)
b) Define child labour and explain the causes for child labour. (10)

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) The National Population Policy 2000.
b) Policy of Disinvestment.
c) New Industrial Policy, 1991.
d) Problems of female labour.

Section II

Discuss in detail the Principle of Maximum Social Advantage. What are its limitations? (20)

a) What are the merits and demerits of direct and indirect taxes? (10)
b) Explain the following: (10)
i) The various components of budget.
ii) Types of deficits.

Explain Ricardo's Comparative Cost Advantage Theory and point out its limitations?(20)

a) Examine the changes in the composition and directions of India's foreign trade since 1991. (10)
b) What are the measures used to correct a deficit in the balance of payments position? (10)

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) WTO and TRIPS.
b) FRBM Act, 2003.
c) Sources of public revenue.
d) Modern Theory of International Trade.

March 2007

March 2007

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

1. Attempt Five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
2. Figures to the right indicte full marks.
3. Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.

Section I

a) Evaluate the population policy of the Government of India since 1951. (10)
b) Discuss the measures taken by the Government to reduce the level of poverty in India. (10)

Examine the measures adopted by the Government to promote human development through investment in education, health and family welfare. (20)

Discuss the following:-
a) Sources of agricultural finance in India. (10)
b) Food security policy of the Government of India. (10)

a) Discuss the main features of the New Industrial Policy, 1991. (10)
b) What are the major problems of small scale industries in India? (10)

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Causes of income inequalities in India.
b) Growth of labour force in India.
c) Agricultural Research.
d) Disinvestment policy in India.

Section II

a) Explain the features of money market in India. (10)
b) Discuss the recent reforms in the Indian capital market. (10)

a) Analyse the recommendations of Raja Chelliah committee on tax reforms. (10)
b) Discuss the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management bill. (10)

a) Explain India's trade policy since 1991. (10)
b) What is the significance of Foreign Direct Investment in India? (10)

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Discuss the recent developments in the telecommunication sector.
b) What is the impact of WTO on the Indian economy?

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
a) Performance of SEBI.
b) Composition of public expenditure in India.
c) India's external debt burden.
d) Changing role of the State.

October 2006

Paper Not Available

March 2006

Paper Not Available

October 2005

Business Economics
October 2005

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

N. B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Explain the poverty alleviation programmes in operation in India. (10)
b) Discuss the extent of income inequalities in India (10)

Examine the measures adopted by the government in promoting human development through investments in education, health and family welfare. (20)

a) Evaluate the agricultural price policy in India. (10)
b) Explain the quantitative changes in the production and productivity of agricultural crops during the plan period. (10)

a) What are the major problems of small scale industries in India ? . (10)
b) Write explanatory note on Disinvestment Policy in India. (10)

Write notes on any two: (20)
a) National Population Policy2000
b) Structure of Employment in India
c) Performance of NABARD.
d) Features of New Industrial Policy 1991.


a) Indian Money Market (10)
b) Indian Capital Market (10)

Critically examine the Indian tax structure. (20)

(a) Explain the problems of balance of payments in India since nineties. (10)
(b) Bring out the changes in India's trade policy since 1991. (10)

(a) Analyse the sources of finance for planned expenditure in India. (10)
(b) Discuss the impact of WTO on Indian Economy.

Write notes on any two of the following : (20)
(a) Narasimham Committee Reports on Banking Sector Reforms.
(b) Management of Internal Public Debt in India.
(c) Foreign Direct Investment in India.
(d) Changing Role of State.

March 2005

Business Economics
March 2005

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

N. B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Explain the trend of population growth in India. (10)
b) Discuss the macro – economic dimensions of Ninth Five Year Plan. (10)

a) Explain the structure of employment in India in the nineties. (10)
b) Discuss how Human Development in India is promoted through investments in health & family welfare. (10)

a) Discuss the main sources of institutional finance in agriculture in India. (10)
b) Explain the Food Security Policy of Government of India. (10)

a) Comment on the growth of industries in India since 1991. (10)
b) Explain the government measures and policies introduced to promote small scale industries in India. (10)

Write notes on any two: (20)
a) Measures to reduce income inequalities in India
b) Growth rate of Labour Force in India
c) National Agricultural Policy 2000
d) Disinvestment Policy in India.


a) Outline the reforms undertaken in the field of commercial banking in India since the nineties (10)
b) Evaluate the performance of SEBI. (10)

a) Explain the composition & growth of internal public debt in India. (10)
b) Discuss the main features of fiscal responsibility of the union government. (10)

a) Analyse the changes in the composition of India’s foreign trade since nineties.(10)
b) Write explanatory note on the significance of Foreign Direct Investment to India’s economic development. (10)

Discuss the recent measures introduced in the development of transport and telecommunication sectors in India. (20)

Write notes on any two: (20)
a) Features of Indian Money Market.
b) Recommendations of Raja Chelliah Committee on tax reforms.
c) Trade policy in the post-reform period
d) Changing role of state

Sunday, February 22, 2009

October 2004

Business Economics
October 2004

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

N.B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Discuss the changes in sectoral shares in GDP and secoral contribution to employment since planning. (10)
b) Examine the measures taken by the government to reduce poverty in India. (10)

a) What is ‘Human Development’ and what is its importance? (10)
b) Analyse to what extent governmental measures to improve human development through health and family welfare have succeeded. (10)

a) Explain the meaning of ‘food security’ and point out its importance. (10)
b) Identify the problems related to food security in India. (10)

a) What are the problems faced by small scale industries in India? (10)
b) Is disinvestment a soultion to the problems of public sector in India? (10)

Write notes on any two of the following: (20)
(a) Financing pattern of Ninth Five Year plan.
(b) Employment Generation Programmes during Nineties.
(c) Agricultural Research.
(d) New Industrial Policy of 1991 with respect to public sector and foreign investment.


a) Explain the features of Indian money market. (10)
b) Discuss the major changes in monetary management in India in the post reform period. (10)

a) Critically evaluate the Indian tax structure. (10)
b) Enumerate the sources of India’s public debt and analyse its growth in the nineties. (10)

a) Examine the changes in the composition of India’s exports and highlight the steps taken by the government to promote exports. (12)
b) Discuss the benefits and cost of foreign direct investment (FDI) in India. (5)

a) Appraise the performance of infrastructure in India since 1980s. (5)
b) Bring out the problems of power sector and the measures taken by the government to solve it. (15)

Write notes on any two of the following:¬ (20)
a) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill 2000
b) Need to control public expenditure in India
c) Composition and direction of India’s foreign trade
d) Importance of WTO Agreements to India

March 2004

Business Economics
March 2004

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

N.B. :
(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Examine the changes in the sectoral composition of India's national income over the last five decades. (10)
b) Describe the nature and extent of the incidence of poverty in India. (10)

a) Examine the trend and the features of growth in labour force participation in India in the nineties. (10)
b) Suggest measures to increase employment. (10)

a) Discuss the changes in the composition of agricultural output since 1960-61. (10)
b) What are the causes of low agricultural productivity in India? (10)

a) Examine the changes introduced in the New Industrial Policy of 1991 with respect to industrial licensing and foreign investment. (10)
b) Discuss the objectives of disinvestment policy of the Government of India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Causes of income inequalities in India.
b) Human development through-health and family welfare.
c) Problems of agricultural marketing in India.
d) 1991 and 2000 policy package for small scale sector.


How far has nationalisation of commercial banks in India achieved its objectives?(20)

a) Describe the composition and growth of public expenditure of the Central Government. (10)
b) Critically evaluate the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill - 2000.(10)

a) Examine the changes in the current account and capital account balance of India's Balance of Payments since nineties. (10)
b) What are the role and limitations of Multi-National Corporations? (10)

a) What is meant by the term 'infrastructure'? Describe the need for the development of infrastructure. (10)
b) Explain the changing role of States in India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Functions of SEBI.
b) Indian tax structure.
c) Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
d) TRIPS, TRIMS and GATS of the WTO

October 2003

Business Economics
October 2003

Time: 3 Hours                                                  Marks:100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Analyse the nature of changes in the sectoral distribution of National Income in India over the period of planning. (10)
b) Examine the development strategy of the Ninth Five Year Plan. (10)

What do you understand by 'Human Development'? Examine the government policy with respect to Human resource Development in India. (10)

a) Examine briefly the institutional sources of agricultural finance in India. (10)
b) Critically evaluate the Food Security policy of Government of India. (10)

a) State the features of New Industrial Policy 1991 and give a critical evaluation of the policy. (10)
b) Explain the objectives of Disinvestment Policy of the Government of India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Causes of inequalities of income in India.
b) Work force participation rate in India.
c) Problems of agricultural marketing in India.
d) Post-reforms small scale industries policy.


a) State the drawbacks of Indian money market. (20)
b) Explain the recent reforms introduced by the government in the money market in India.

a) Discuss the important features of Indian Tax Structure. (10)
b) Describe the Composition of Public expenditure in India. (10)

a) Examine the structural changes in the composition and direction of India's foreign trade since 1991. (10)
b) Outline the trade liberalisation policy of the government in the post reforms period. (10)

a) Discuss the pattern of resource mobilisation in India Five Year Plans. (10)
b) Examine the development of Rail and Road transport in India. (10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Monetary management by Reserve Bank of India.
b) Chelliah Committee Report on Tax Reforms.
c) India's external debt burden.
d) World Trade Organisation and Indian Economy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

March 2003

Business Economics
March 2003

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) Explain the structural changes in the Indian economy over the period of planning.(10)
b) Critically examine the recent measures taken by the government to reduce the incidence of Poverty in India. (10)

a) Describe the structure of employment in India, bringing out the sectorwise distribution of employment. (10)
b) State the measures adopted by government to promote Human Development in India through Health and Family Welfare. (10)

a) Explain the nature of constraints in Indian agriculture with reference to Land Reforms. (10)
b) Examine critically the Agricultural Price Policy of the Government of India. (10)

Analysis the nature of growth and diversification of Indian industrial sector in the pre-reform and post-reform period. (20)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Population Policy of Government of India
b) Growth rate of Labour Force in India
c) Food Security in India
d) New Industrial Policy, 1991


a) Explain the factors contributing to the growth and development of Capital Market in India. (10)
b) Outline the important reforms that have taken place in the Indian Capital Market.(10)

a) Examine the drawbacks of the Indian tax structure. (10)
b) Enumerate the various tax reforms adopted in India from 1991 onwards. (10)

a) Explain the role of Foreign Direct Investment in Indian economic development.(8)
b) Give an account of the government's policy towards Foreign Direct Investment in India since 1991. (12)

a) Bring out the significance of infrastructure development in the promotion of economic growth in India. (10)
b) Examine the impact of World Trade Organisation Agreements on the Indian economy.(10)

Write notes on any two :¬ (20)
a) Narasimham Committee Report on Banking Sector Reforms
b) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Bill 2000
c) Indian Balance of Payments Position since, 1991
d) Role of Government in Post-Reform Period.

October 2002

Paper Not Available

March 2002

Business Economics
March 2002

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100

(1) Attempt any five questions in all, with a minimum of two questions from each section.
(2) Figures to the right indicate marks assigned to each question.
(3) Answers to the both the sections should be written in the same answer-book.


a) What are the structural changes that have taken place in the Indian economy since 1951? (8)
b) Explain the causes of slow growth rate of national income in India. (8)

a) Analyze the pattern of investment under five year plans in India (8)
b) Discuss the achievements and failures of economic planning in India. (8)

Examine the effects of high growth rate of population on Indian economic development and comment on the implementation of Family Welfare(Planning)Program in India. (16)

a) Discuss the achievements and failures of ‘Green revolution’ in India. (8)
b) Critically evaluate the land reform measures in India. (8)

a) Examine the role of institutional and non-institutional sources of agricultural finance in India. (8)
b) Explain the government measures to stabilize agricultural prices in India. (8)

Write notes on any two :¬ (18)
a) Resource mobilization under 5 year plan.
b) Human resource development in India.
c) Poverty Alleviation program.
d) Role and performance of NABARD.


Examine the important changes in the industrial growth and structure in India during the period of planning. (16)

a) Critically examine the new industrial policy of 1991. (8)
b) Trace the role of private sector in the Indian economy. (8)

a) Explain the role played by commercial banks in Indian economic employment. (8)
b) Examine the recommendations of Narsimham committee on financial sector reforms.(8)

a) What are the reasons for the growth of public expenditure in India in recent years? (8)
b) Explain the causes of Inflation in India. (8)

a) Describe the main features of India’s trade policy with particular reference to 1991 Trade policy. (8)
b) Explain the need for foreign capital in a developing country like India. (8)

Write notes on any two :¬ (18)
a) Role of cotton and small scale industries in India.
b) Money marketing in India.
c) Role of indirect taxes in India.
d) Problems of foreign aid.

October 2001

Paper Not Available

April 2001

Paper Not Available

October 2000

Paper Not Available

April 2000

Paper Not Available

October 1999

Paper Not Available

April 1999

Indian Economic Problems
April 1999

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100


a) Examine the structural changes that have place in the Indian economy during the plannig period.(8)
b) Discuses the measures taken by Government to reduce income inequalities in India.(8)

a) Describe the basic objectives of economic planning in India.(8)
b) Analyse the various sources of financing the Indian five year plans.(8)

a)Examine the features and achievements of Human resource development programmes adopted by the Government of India.(16)

a) Examine the importance of agriculture in the Indian economy.(8)
b) Explain the functions and performance of NABARD.(8)

a) Evaluate the importance of stabilizing agricultural prices.(6)
b) Critically examine the agricultural price policy of the Government of India during the planning period.(10)

Write notes on any two:(18)
a) Causes of the high birth rate in India.
b) Causes of unemployment in India.
c) Regulated markets.
d) Causes and trends in poverty in India.


a) Critically examine the role and performance of IDBI.(8)
b) Describe the shortcomings of the public sector in India.(8)

a) Discuss the role and growth of capital market in India.(8)
b) Explain the causes on industrial sickness in India.(8)

a) Explain the characteristics of Indian money market.(8)
b) Discuss the main recommendations of Narsimham Committee.(8)

a) Critically examine the causes of the rise in public expenditure in India during the planning period.(8)
b) Examine the various measures adopted by Government of India to control inflation.(8)

Critically examine the trade liberalisation policy adopted by the Government of India in the eighties. Discuss the trade policy changes announced in early nineties.(16)

Write notes on any two:(18)
a) Measures adopted by Government to overcome the problems of small-scale Industries.
b) Direction of Indian's foreign trade.
c) Fiscal imbalance in India.
d) Importance of foreign aid in India's economic development.

October 1998

Indian Economic Problems
October 1998

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100

Section I

a)Discuss the trends in the growth rate of national income in Indian during the last
four decades. (8)
b)Explain the changes in the sectoral contribution to India’s National Income during
the plan period. (8)

a)Explain the institutional framework of a mixed economy like India. (8)
b)Make a critical appraisal of the Eighth Five year Plan. (8)

a)Discuss the important demographic features of India. (8)
b)Bring out the features and limitations of India’s population policy. (8)

a)Explain the various defects of agricultural marketing in India. (8)
b)What measures have been adopted by the government to improve the agricultural
marketing? (8)

Explain the following : (8)
a)Achievements and Failures of the New Agricultural Strategy. (8)
b)Institutionalization of Agricultural Credit. (8)

Write notes on any two : (18)
a) Measures to reduce income inequalities in India.
b) Resource mobilisation during the plan period
c) Government measures to reduce unemployment in India
d) Land reform measures.

Section II

a)What are the problems faced by Small Scale and Cottage Industries in India? (8)
b)Describe the various measures undertaken by the Government to promote their
development. (8)

a)Explain the role of public sector in the Indian Economy. (8)
b)Evaluate the performance of Public Sector Enterprises in India. (8)

a)Describe the developmental functions of R.B.I. (8)
b)Bring out the important changes in the Monetary Policy of the R.B.I. during the
last decade. (8)

a)Discuss the principle objective of Fiscal policy in India. (8)
b)Explain the consequences of deficit financing in a developing economy like India.(8)

a)Explain the importance of Foreign Aid in India’s economic development. (8)
b)Examine the Government policy towards Foreign Capital. (8)

Write notes on any two : (18)
a) Industrial Policy of 1991
b) Growth Market in India.
c) Tax Reform measures recommended by the Chelliah Committee.
d) Main features of India’s New Trade Policy.

April 1998

Indian Economic Problems
April 1998

Time: 3 Hours                                                 Marks: 100


Q. 1.
a)Explain the causes of income inequalities in India. (8)
b)What measures have been taken by the government to reduce such inequalities? (8)

Q. 2.
a)Explain the various factors that determine the process of economic development in
India. (8)
b)"The pattern of investment in India's Eight Five Year Plan has undergone changes".
Comment. (8)

Q. 3.
a)"Population growth retards economic development". Discuss. (8)
b) Evaluate the measures taken by the government to control the population explosion
in India.

Q. 4.
a) Discuss the nature and extent of unemployment problem in India. (8)
b) Examine the various measures adopted to reduce unemployment. (8)

Q. 5.
a) Explain the achievements and failure of Green Revolution in India. (8)
b) Explain the role of NABARD in the field of agricultural finance. (8)

Q. 6.
Write notes on any two: (18)
a) Causes of slow growth rate of savings in India.
b) Human capital formation.
c) Objectives of land reforms.
d) Changes in occupational structure in India since 1951.


Q. 7.
a) Describe the important changes in the industrial structure of India during the
plan period. (8)
b) Critically examine the new industrial policy of 1991. (8)

Q. 8.
Explain the following:
a) Role of Co-operative banking in India. (8)
b) Deficiencies in the Indian money market. (8)

Q. 9.
a) Examine the trends in the growth of public expenditure during the last two
decades. (8)
b) Evaluate the tax structure in India. (8)

Explain the changes in the composition and direction of India's foreign trade during the plan period. (16)

a) Explain the need for foreign capital in a developing country like India. (8)
b) Describe the government policy towards private foreign investment in India. (8)

Write notes on any two: (18)
a) Role of Indirect taxation in the Indian Economy.
b) Measures adopted by the government of India for promoting Small-scale Industries
in India.
c) Fiscal Imbalance in India.
d) Structure of Banking in India.